Asynchronous Method Invocation


In this article, I am going to explain asynchronous method calls and how to use them. After playing with delegates, threads, and asynchronous invocation for so long, it would be a sin not to share some of my wisdom and knowledge on the subject, so hopefully, you won’t be looking at an MSDN article at 1 AM wondering why you decided to go into computers. I will try to use baby steps and lots of examples… Overall, I will cover how to call methods asynchronously, how to pass parameters to such methods, and how to find out when a method completes execution. Finally, I will show the Command Pattern in use for simplifying some of the code. The big advantage with .NET asynchronous method invocation is that you can take any method you have in your project, and you can call it asynchronously without touching the code of your method. Although most of the magic is within the .NET framework, it is important to see what is going on in the back, and that’s what we are going to study here.

Asynchronous Method Invocation

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